22 October 2011

Viper Look-A-Like?

Way off but still cooler then anything else. The red stripes just make this DeLorean all ready to fly! It kind of reminds me of the Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper spacecraft. Simply awesome!

Visit this site for the other photos: http://www.3of9.com/2011/06/stripes-make-it-faster.html

And this is how the Viper looks like. Pretty close : )

20 October 2011

An Electric DeLorean

Mighty interesting! An electric version of DeLorean to be available in 2013. Maybe this one can really go to the future : )


Badly Designed Gull-Wing Doors?

Hmm.... Never knew there such a site that list out all the badly designed gull-wing doors. DeLorean is listed in there *sigh*.


17 October 2011

1981 Toyota Corolla Hatchback: DeLorean look-a-like # 1

I always thought of this 1981 Toyota Corolla Hatchback as a DeLorean look-a-like. I figured, if I can get hold of this, I would make it look like a DeLorean. Only drawback is that it doesn't have gull-wing doors. Still an awesome idea though. That's how this website was born : )